Donna Savage / Graphic Designer

Poster for Herron Alumni, Herron School of Art and Design, IUPUI, Indianapolis
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Website designed for the Route 66 Historical Village, a 501(c)3 organization, historically focused public attraction located on Route 66 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Calendar designed for Indiana University|Purdue University Ruth Lilly Special Collections and Archives
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Series of logos and direct marketing piece designed for a fund-raising project for Downtown Indianapolis, Inc
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Book cover for college text on rhetorical criticism, publisher: McMillian Publishing, Co.
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Logo for a special event for Riley Hospital for Children, Indianapolis, Indiana
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Ad for a regional destination in a Indiana State Tourism publication.
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Logo for Indiana University's Center on Philanthropy

Exhibit poster for Herron alumni art show

Logo for near-downtown revitalization project, Indianapolis, IN.
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Graphics and poster design for the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music Monday Night Jazz program.
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Logo designed for driver education program to increase driver awareness of proper seat belt usage
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Direct mail campaign and ads to attract occupancy for downtown properties.
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Umbrella logo for a group of safety products for a commercial vehicles developed by IMMI.
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